Socrates Says

Generational Changes

Some time back I looked around a room I was in and noticed that I was no longer the youngest person in the room. Of I course I still felt like the youngest in the room. But think back to when you started your first job. What did you think of the older people around […]

The New Reality – Part Deux

The juxtaposition of the last two blogs is intriguing. I couldn’t ignore it. I have received a lot of flak about my pronouncement of the New Reality. People suggested that I need to be more careful in how I communicated things. That it could be dangerous, I might frighten some people. Remember Jeff Bezos – […]

The New Reality

To properly address the New Reality we have to look backwards. From the 1960’s to 1980 management felt pretty good about things. Sales revenues had increased, profits were up, life was good. We thoguht we must be the greatest generation of business managers ever. But it was all inflation. When Paul Volcker and the Federal […]

The Pursuit of Performance – Change

Last week on the airplane catching up on my reading I was struck by a quote from Jeff Bezos, the founder and creator of Amazon. “Social cohesion at the expense of truth” This took my mind to the world we live in and change. Do you remember when Jack Welsh said “when the world around […]

Quest Classes in Dallas

There is only one week left to register for the Parts Management and Service Management classes in Dallas. Don’t miss out on this leading edge training. Register at under the Learning tab. Thanks   see you there The time is now    

Words of Wisdom #3

Sleeism # 3 Always assume the other person is twice as smart as you are and work twice as hard to prove they aren’t. This is another from Tony Doxsey and it has help up rather well over the years. It is expressed another way that might help make it more clear to you. “In […]