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246 search results for: Foundation


Friday Filosophy #2014-50

Leadership, like swimming, cannot be learned by reading about it. Henry Mintzberg   Adversity is the first path to truth. Lord Byron   Happiness is not a matter of events, it depends upon the tides of the mind. Alice Meynell Last month I highlighted the great teacher as being a person who inspired. I want […]


Product Support Marketing: A Guide…#MarketingMonday

Let me introduce you to#MarketingMonday.  With the arrival of Learning Without Scars and our embedding the blog in the web site we are kicking off a fresh series of activities. You are by now quite familiar with my Friday Filosophy. Well this is the first of our #MarketingMondays. We will post a new blog […]


Insight has an Exciting Future

We are resurrecting the Insight brand with a new mission. Previously we provided “Twenty Group” services to small groups of dealers, twelve in our case, who had an interest in best practice approaches for their business. We operated many groups for over a decade and appreciated the opportunity to assist in their profitable development. Each […]


Service Organization February 20th 12:00 Noon Pacific

The organization of a service department is about more than technicians and clerks and management. Designing the structures is about facts and not feelings. The time for shop and field jobs starts the design. The technology, tooling and processes used take us the rest of the way. Exploring the service department organization from a factual […]


Service Organization Webinar – Tuesday September 25th

The organization of a service department is about more than technicians and clerks and management. Designing the structure is about facts and not feelings. The time for shop and field jobs starts the design. The technology, tooling and processes used take us the rest of the way. Exploring the service department organization from a factual […]