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154 search results for: Resources


How to Improve Customer Retention

How to Improve Customer Retention Guest writers Debbie Frakes and Stephen Clegg analyze the key measure of business success in this week’s blog post, “How to Improve Customer Retention.” Customer retention is crucial for the success of every company. It describes the percentage of customers who purchased within the last 12 months who also purchased […]


Resource Revolution: Optimizing Your Workforce

Resource Revolution: Optimizing Your Workforce Guest writer Dale Hanna takes a look at the year ahead and all of its challenges in “Resource Revolution: Optimizing Your Workforce.” As the calendar turns to 2024, the landscape of the construction industry reflects an ongoing challenge — a significant labor shortage. In an era where leaders face the […]


Types of Purchases: Understand What Your Customers Are Buying

Types of Purchases: Understand What Your Customers Are Buying Guest writers Debbie Frakes and Steve Clegg take a look at customer behavior in this week’s blog post, “Types of Purchases: Understand What Your Customers Are Buying.” To market your business effectively, it’s important to understand which products and services your customers buy most often and […]


Utilizing a Personalized Employee Benefit Statement as Part of the Employee Retention Plan

Utilizing a Personalized Employee Benefit Statement as Part of the Employee Retention Plan Guest writer Ron Wilson offers insight into employee benefits tonight in, “Utilizing a Personalized Employee Benefit Statement as Part of the Employee Retention Plan.” Employee retention plans have become an important part of the organization’s overall recruitment process. As we know the […]


A Changing Mindset on Training: Activate the “Hidden Workforce”

A Changing Mindset on Training: Activate the “Hidden Workforce” Guest writer Ed Gordon comes back this week with valuable advice on employee development in, “A Changing Mindset on Training: Activate the ‘Hidden Workforce.’” At long last, there are signs that companies are increasing employee training and participating in talent development programs. Why is this finally […]


How Do Employee Engagement Strategies Combat Quiet Quitting?

How Do Employee Engagement Strategies Combat Quiet Quitting? Guest writer Ed Wallace returns this week with a blog post on building the kind of environment that fosters employee satisfaction in, “How Do Employee Engagement Strategies Combat Quiet Quitting?” The term “quiet quitting” describes the phenomenon whereby employees become disengaged and disinterested in their work, but […]


Safety Lessons: From Social Media and Complacency

Safety Lessons: From Social Media and Complacency Guest writer Bill Pyles joins us this week with a blog that doubles as an OSHA Consultation in “Safety Lessons: From Social Media and Complacency.” In my opinion, there are two serious threats to the safety of workers regardless of the industry you’re in. They are social media […]


The Subtle Power of a RASCI Chart

The Subtle Power of a RASCI Chart Guest writer Sara Hanks offers constructive wisdom for project success in, “The Subtle Power of a RASCI Chart.” During several recent project reviews, an unmistakable pattern emerged: projects consistently stumbled at the same exact step. The project leaders were quick to lay blame on the purchasing team, citing […]


New Leadership

New Leadership Guest writer Sonya Law returns this week with the Human Resources perspective in “New Leadership.” New Leadership: It’s time to expand our definition of what makes a great leader! According to Harvard Business Review: “Leadership is a conversation” It is less about issuing and taking orders than about asking and answering questions” which […]