Socrates Says

We Have Been Here Before Over the past two decades we have confronted three separate events that changed how we looked at our businesses. In 1999/2000 we faced the Y2K problem. Our business systems were designed without sufficient foresight and we needed to make comprehensive changes swiftly and effectively. We did. In 2008 we dealt […]

What Will We Learn from this Crisis? There is a Persian Proverb I am reminded of this week. The man who knows not, but knows not that he knows not, is a fool. Shun him. The man who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a student. Teach him. The man who knows, but knows […]

The Times We Live In I have just finished an incredible book by a man I consider to be one of the best thinkers on the planet today. His name is George Friedman, and the book is “The Storm Before The Calm.” With everything going on in the world today I thought it would be […]

Manage Your Time A recent blog said that “Time is the enemy.” As I age it becomes even more appropriate. I can’t outrun time and I don’t have the luxury of being able to get more time. So, it becomes critical that I learn how to manage my time. I used to think I could […]

Multiple Languages: English, French, and Spanish. I am quite excited to be able to address the subject of multiple languages for our learning Without Scars programs. We have started the process. Last year we ran a French language prototype in Canada. It went well. As a result of that we have established a time line […]

Competence and Recognition With so many learning opportunities available over the internet and very few of these classes earning University or Colleges credits directly many institutions have devised a method to recognize individual student competencies. They are using badges. While with our accreditation by IACET we will be able to offer Continuous Education Units, which […]