Socrates Says

Friday Filosophy v2014-04

Leadership is getting someone to do what they don’t want to do, to achieve what they want to achieve. Tom Landry The great and glorious masterpiece of man is to know how to love to purpose. Michel de Montaigne Your life is what your thoughts make it. Marcus Aurelius   The time is now…..

Friday Filosophy v2014-03

The best way to predict the future is to create it. Peter Drucker I have failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan The highest reward for man’s toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it. John Ruskin The […]

Friday Filosophy v2014-02

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. Martin Luther King, Jr. Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. Voltaire They conquer who believe they can. John Dryden   The time is now…..

Domain Correction

Please note the below. is the proper domain for the AED regarding the registration for Parts Management Quest training.

Parts Management Training

Don’t miss your opportunity to attend the most comprehensive management training available for parts management and supervision in the Equipment Industry. In Dallas February 17th and 18th. You can register either at under the learning tab or at . I look forward to seeing you there. The time is now The “New” Quest […]

Product Support Goals for 2014

I would like to present some challenges to the Product Support professional in the readership. One: Increase the inventory of labor hours available for sale by 25% by December 31, 2014. Two: Increase the Parts Sales Revenue from CUSTOMERS by 15% in real terms. Three: Increase customer retention by 5% points for the 12 months of […]