You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.

Lucille Ball

You can’t live a perfect life without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.

John Wooden

To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.

Mark Twain

He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

Chinese Proverb


Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come

Chinese Proverb


You cannot avoid the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.

Abraham Lincoln

A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.

Jackie Robinson


At one point in your life you either have the thing you want or the reasons why you don’t.

Andy Roddick


Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Helen Keller

Spring is here and although it is still early it looks like the heat is back in the desert. That makes me happy.

Last week I was in Canada for a couple of days (greeted with snow and 32 degrees) and had the opportunity to read about the new Canadian budget. They are changing a few things such as corporate tax and they have raised the age qualification for old age security to 67 but the startling thing was the goal of government spending at 12.2% of GDP form 14%. Contrast that to the Obama administration taking US spending to over 24% from 20%. One is going the right way and the other is going the wrong way. Will and Ariel Durant the noted historians observed in “The Lessons of History” (1968) that “freedom and equality are sworn enemies, and when one prevails the other dies. To check the growth of inequality, liberty must be sacrificed.” I wonder how many people realize that?

One last point there is an election in France this year and to listen to the politicians their spending is nowhere in sight. Their government takes 56% of the GDP to operate their country. I wonder how long it will take for investors to start raising the interest rates the French have to pay on Sovereign Debt. Have a great weekend. The time is now.

Women who strive to be equal to men lack ambition.



True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.



Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.

Erica Jong

I always prefer to believe the best of everybody – it saves so much trouble.

Rudyard Kipling


All glory comes from daring to begin.

Alexander Graham Bell


When the world around you is changing at a rate faster than you the end is near.

Jack Welsh

Whether or not you think you can or you can’t. Either way you are right. Henry Ford

You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. James D Miles

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.

Some time back I looked around a room I was in and noticed that I was no longer the youngest person in the room. Of I course I still felt like the youngest in the room. But think back to when you started your first job. What did you think of the older people around you? Were they to be respected for their age and knowledge? Did you look at them wondering why they did things that particular way? Do you remember working with your father and how he was always telling you how to do things?

I think we in North America have a perverse method of teaching people at an early age. We teach them to be obedient. Now don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with obedience and manners. In fact I quite like them both. I do want to take issue with the fact that we are creating robots to some degree. We don’t teach people well enough to be critical thinkers. We don’t teach them to think on their own. And when they do think on their own we label them something – rebels, trouble makers and other names.

I think we need to embrace the younger generation in a more positive manner. Every younger generation gets a bad rap including the current crop of kids (maybe I shouldn’t call them kids). Imagine. They are better educated. They have more computer skills than were dreamt of when I was entering the work force. The attribute that I like the most is that they are not as patient as we were. They won’t put up with the nonsense that some of us endured. Are you ready to listen to what they have to say? Can you imagine that they might have a better way to do something? I get excited when someone asks the question “why do you do it that way?” I want to know what they mean, what they are thinking. There is always the possibility to do things better. You have to embrace these changes as never before. The time is now.

It is Saturday and one of my favorite events is what I call a “Man Date.” This is when my grandson and I go and have our haircuts. It started when my daughter began to have trouble getting him to sit still for his haircut. So off we went for his first trip to the barbershop.

My barber is a terrific man, his name is Joe. He has run the typical old barbershop for many years. He is also a musician and entertains across the valley. He also leads the Scouts. He does a lot of things as well as providing a pretty mean haircut.

So there we are and my grandson is about four or so and he is going to have his first Barbershop haircut. He is not happy to hear the clippers or to see his mother and grandparents taking pictures of him crying. Joe you see has a grip on his head like it is bowling ball without the three holes. That is where it started. So for a number of years the two of us have gone off on a regular basis to have our “man date” at Joe’s.

This morning was our date and now it is a rather enjoyable time. The little guy sits in the chair – no booster required anymore – and has a chat with Joe. It is a fun and amusing watching the two of them talking about all kinds of weird and wonderful things. He has learned how to use the gels now – his grandfather (me) hasn’t got enough hair to use a gel and I am convinced that is Joe rubbing it in by teaching the little guy how to apply it and clean up afterwards. But it is a great haircut and I had one at the same time. So there we are – two “men” sharing time on a date getting our hair cut. You have to love it. The time is now.

Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes – Chinese Proverb

You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars – Henry Ford

All dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them