Socrates Says

Adding Parts to Inventory

Since we started this blog we have written on inventory management three times. Once on variable lead times, once on economic order quantities and once on the only part that matters. They have each received a lot of reads.  Thank you. Let me introduce a fourth line of attack on managing the inventory – when […]


Don’t forget. Dont’ miss this opportunity. Two webinars on Service Management Monday Two webinars on Service Managment Tuesday You can register at under the Learning tab. I look forward to having you with us.

A Customer Service Tool

VoIP – voice over internet protocol. What a name. Well what it does is quite remarkable. This is where your computer drives your phone system. A call comes into your Company and the computer directs the call to the appropriate extension while at the same time it paints your computer screen with the pertinent information […]

The 1st Weekend in March

Well here we are – the first weekend in March. The leap February got things all cross ways – a friend of mine had his birthday on Wednesday – he is now 17. Now wouldn’t that be amazing? I can’t say that I would want to go back to seventeen again. Once was enough. Well […]

Friday Filosophy

Friends are angels who lift our feet when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly. It is not what happens to you but how you respond to what happens to you No one has ever made himself great by showing how small someone else is.

Facts are awfully stubborn things

This is a most interesting time, isn’t it? I listened to Jimmy Rogers on CNBC the other night. He was pointing out there is an election this year in the United States, there is one in France. Germany has an election next year. In fact there are 40 governments that will face elections this year. […]